Important notice for patients taking medication for their blood pressure

Blood pressure medication at bed time: 

Following the conclusion of a landmark study on the timing of blood pressure medication we are recommending that all of our patients who are on medication for their blood pressure take it at bedtime. If you are taking a ‘water tablet’ also known as a diuretic for example bendroflumethiazide, furosemide etc. it is okay to continue to take those in the morning so that you do not have to get up at night to go to the toilet.

The study of over 20 000 patients monitored for 6 years concluded that those who took their blood pressure medication at bedtime stayed well for longer. The bedtime medication patients had nearly half the number of strokes and a third the number of heart attacks.

We will be updating the information on relevant prescriptions in due course and advising about the change during Hypertension reviews.
